Lipedema ICD-10 Codes

"R60.9 Edema, unspecified" is the ICD-10-CM code frequently used for lipedema in the United States. Additional codes may be used by specialists as explained below. Codes used in other countries may be different. See Coding on the Lipedema Foundation's About Lipedema page for information on ICD-11 and ICD-10 - Germany

Revised codes for lipedema and lipolymphedema were proposed to the CDC by the Lipedema ICD-10-CM Committee spearheaded by Jeffrey Restuccio CPC and including Karen Herbst PhD, MD, Nadiv Shapira MD, and Thomas Wright MD in 2020 (see References). The CDC has not acted on this proposal, as far as we know.

Obesity Specialist

In general, I use

  • R60.9 for lipedema

  • E66.9 for obesity, though I am changing to E66.5 for Localized adiposity

I also use other codes

  • M79.606 Pain in lower limb

  • M79.603 Pain in upper limb

  • R58 Easy bruising

Vein Specialist

We use ICD codes E65.0, E88.2, Q82.0, R60.9 for our lipedema diagnosis. We use different ones because different insurers require /recognized different codes.

We use primarily CPT 15877 -9 and 38999 although sometimes we use other CPT codes. 


These are the diagnoses that may apply to lipedema patients

•        (R60.9) Edema, unspecified

•        (I89.0) Lymphedema, not elsewhere classified

•        (R20.8) Other disturbances of skin sensation

•        (M79.601) Pain in right arm

•        (M79.604) Pain in right leg

•        (M79.605) Pain in left leg

•        (M79.602) Pain in left arm

•        (E66.8) Other obesity

•        (E88.2) Lipomatosis, not elsewhere classified

•        (M54.5) Low back pain

•        (G47.01) Insomnia due to medical condition

•        (M40.50) Lordosis, unspecified, site unspecified

•        (R58) Hemorrhage, not elsewhere classified

•        (R26.2) Difficulty in walking, not elsewhere classified

•        (I87.2) Venous insufficiency (chronic) (peripheral)

•        (M17.9) Osteoarthritis of knee, unspecified

•        (E65) Localized adiposity
